man history
builtinのmanpageが表示されて、そうじゃないんだよなあ。。。ってなってました。 See the built-in command description in the appropriate shell manual page.
BUILTIN(1) General Commands Manual BUILTIN(1) NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, [, {, }, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, export, false, fc, fg, filetest, fi, for, foreach, getopts, glob, goto, hash, hashstat, history, hup, if, jobid, jobs, kill, limit, local, log, login, logout, ls-F, nice, nohup, notify, onintr, popd, printenv, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readonly, rehash, repeat, return, sched, set, setenv, settc, setty, setvar, shift, source, stop, suspend, switch, telltc, test, then, time, times, trap, true, type, ulimit, umask, unalias, uncomplete, unhash, unlimit, unset, unsetenv, until, wait, where, which, while – shell built-in commands SYNOPSIS See the built-in command description in the appropriate shell manual page.
zshでbuilt-in commandsを調べたいときは以下のようにするのが正しいです。
man zshbuiltins
ちなみに fc -l
と history
history Same as fc -l.